Social Responsibility Regulations

Social Responsibility Regulations

(Summary description)Social responsibility regulations

Social Responsibility Regulations

(Summary description)Social responsibility regulations


  4. 0 Social responsibility regulations

  Child labor

  1. The company strictly abides by labor laws and regulations, and explicitly prohibits or supports the use of child labor that does not comply with the laws and the SA8000 standard;


  2. The company formulates and implements the "Procedures for the Protection of Child Labor and Juvenile Labor" and effectively communicates it to employees and stakeholders. The organization should also provide these children with sufficient financial and other support to enable them to receive school education until they exceed the age of children under the above definition;


  3. If the company hires juvenile workers, it should take effective measures to protect juvenile workers and establish juvenile workers' files. In accordance with local labor laws and regulations, a health check-up should be arranged at least once a year until the age of 18 (if you reach the age of 18, it must be checked again after half a year after the last check). If the law requires juvenile workers to receive compulsory education, they should only be allowed to work outside of school hours. Under any circumstance, the cumulative time of class, work and transportation of juvenile workers cannot exceed 10 hours per day, and the working hours per day cannot exceed 8 hours, and juvenile workers cannot be arranged for night shifts or night shifts;


  4. The company must not place children or underage workers in dangerous, unsafe, or unhealthy environments, whether inside or outside the workplace.


  5. Supporting documents

  ``Procedure for Child Labor and Juvenile Worker Protection''

  "Personnel Management Rules and Regulations" (Recruitment Management)


  Forced labor

  1. The company shall neither use or support the use of forced or compulsory labor stipulated in the No. 29 International Labor Organization Convention, including prison labor, nor require employees to pay deposits or mortgage identity documents when they are employed;


  2. The company or the entity providing labor for the company may not withhold any wages, benefits, property or documents of these employees in order to force them to continue working for the company;


  3. The company should ensure that employees do not bear all or part of the employment expenses or costs;


  4. Employees have the right to leave the workplace after the completion of standard working hours. As long as the employee has notified the company in advance within a reasonable time limit, the employee can freely terminate the employment contract;


  5. The company or the entity providing labor for the company may not engage in or support human trafficking.


  6. Supporting documents


  ``Administrative Measures on Prohibition of Forced Labor''

  Health and safety

  1. The company shall provide a safe and healthy working environment, and shall take effective measures to prevent potential health and safety accidents and occupational injuries, or diseases that occur or cause during work. Based on industry-related safety and health knowledge and any specific hazards, as long as it is reasonably feasible, all risk factors in the workplace should be reduced or eliminated;


  2. For pregnant and breastfeeding women, the company should assess all risks in their workplaces and ensure that all reasonable measures are implemented to eliminate or reduce any risk of harm to their health and safety;


  3. For the risks that still exist after taking effective measures to reduce or eliminate all hazardous factors in the workplace, the company shall provide employees with appropriate personal protective equipment for free. In the event of a work injury, the company shall provide emergency rescue and assist workers in obtaining follow-up medical treatment;


  4. The company appoints the employee service manager as a health and safety representative (qualified as a safety director), who is responsible for ensuring a healthy and safe working environment for all employees, and is responsible for implementing the health and safety requirements related to the SA8000 standard;


  5. Establish and maintain a health and safety committee composed of managerial representatives and workers. Unless the law provides otherwise, there must be at least one worker representative on the committee (if the representative agrees to join the committee) and that representative is an approved trade union representative. In the event that the trade union has no designated representative or the organization has not yet established a trade union, the workers shall appoint a representative they deem appropriate to participate. These decisions should be effectively communicated to all employees. Committee members should participate in training and regular retraining to ensure that they are competent and committed to continuous improvement of health and safety conditions in the workplace. A formal and regular occupational health and safety risk assessment should be conducted to identify and resolve current and potential health and safety hazards. Records of these assessments, corrective and preventive measures should be properly kept;


  6. The company shall provide employees with effective health and safety training on a regular basis, including on-site training, and arrange specific work training where necessary. Such training should be repeated for new employees and reassigned employees in the following situations: where accidents occur repeatedly, when technology changes and/or the introduction of new equipment will cause new risks to the health and safety of employees;


  7. Employee Service Department Industrial Safety is responsible for formulating and implementing "Occupational Health and Safety Management Procedures" to detect, prevent, reduce, eliminate or respond to factors that may pose risks to the health and safety of employees. The Employee Services Department shall keep written records of all health and safety incidents that occur in the workplace and in all residences and properties provided by the organization (regardless of whether they are owned, leased, or provided by contract service providers);


  8. The company provides all employees free of charge: clean toilet facilities, drinking water, suitable eating and resting spaces, and sanitary equipment for storing food where applicable;


  9. Regardless of whether the employee dormitories are owned, leased or provided by contract service providers, the company shall ensure that any dormitory facilities provided to employees are clean, safe and meet the basic needs of employees.


  10. There is no need to apply for a permit from the company, and all employees have the right to keep themselves away from imminent serious dangers that endanger their own safety.


  11. Supporting documents

  "Environmental Protection Management Procedure"

  Occupational Health and Safety Management Procedures

  ``Emergency Preparedness and Response Control Procedures''

  "Training Control Procedure"

  "Environmental Safety Monitoring and Measurement Control Program"

  "Work Injury Accident Management System"

  ``Administrative Measures for Drinking Fountains''

  "Measures for the Management of Toilet Cleaning"


  Right to free association and collective bargaining

  1. All employees have the right to form, participate in and organize a trade union of their choice, and conduct collective bargaining with the company on their behalf. The company should respect this right, and should effectively inform employees that they can freely join the workers' organization of their choice and that doing so will not have any adverse consequences for them or be retaliated by the company. The company does not interfere in the establishment, operation or management of such worker organizations or collective bargaining in any way;


  2. When the rights of free association and collective bargaining are restricted by law, the company allows workers to freely elect their representatives;


  3. The company shall ensure that union members, worker representatives and any employees involved in organizing workers will not be discriminated against, harassed, intimidated or retaliated because they are union members, worker representatives or participating in the activities of organizing workers, and that these representatives can work The place maintains contact with its members;


  4. Supporting documents

  ``Employee Representative Election Procedures''



  1. The company shall not engage in or support matters based on race, ethnicity, regional or social ancestry, social class, origin, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, family responsibilities in matters such as employment, compensation, training opportunities, promotion, dismissal or retirement. , Marital status, group membership, political opinion, age or any other situation that can cause discrimination;


  2. The company formulates and implements the "Anti-Discrimination Management Measures." The company must not interfere with employees in exercising their rights to obey beliefs and customs, and meet the requirements of race, ethnicity or social ancestry, social class, origin, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, etc. Family responsibilities, marital status, group membership, political opinions or any other rights that may cause discrimination;


  3. In all workplaces, residences and properties provided by the company, no threats, abuse, exploitation, or sexual assaults, including posture, language, and physical contact are allowed;


  4. The company shall not allow employees to undergo pregnancy or virginity tests under any circumstances;


  5. Supporting documents

  ``Anti-discrimination Management Measures''

  "Personnel Management Rules and Regulations" (Recruitment Management)


  4.6 Disciplinary measures

  1. The company treats all employees with dignity and respect. The company shall not participate in or tolerate corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion, and verbal insults to employees, and shall not allow employees to be treated in a rough or inhumane manner;


  2. The company formulates and implements an open and fair reward and punishment system aimed at educating employees. Reward and punishment regulations are open to all employees. For employees who violate factory regulations, such methods as notifications and warnings, small demerits, and big demerits are taken to educate employees to recognize their own mistakes, so as to correct bad behavior as soon as possible;


  3. The company has set up "suggestion boxes", "professional league meetings", and "dedicated telephoness". The secretary of the board of directors audits and assigns special personnel to receive complaints or queries from employees and provide channels for employees to appeal.


  4. Supporting documents

  "Personnel Management Rules and Regulations" (Reward and Punishment Management)

  ``Audit Work System''

  ``Suggestion Box Management Measures''


  4.7 Working hours

  1. The company formulates and implements attendance management systems and policies, and implements a 5-day 8-hour work system (seven and a half hours for three-shift employees in the workshop). Special circumstances are handled in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations;


  2. Employees must have at least one day off every six consecutive days of work. Exceptions are only allowed when the following two situations occur simultaneously:

  A) National laws allow overtime to exceed this requirement;

  B) There is an effective freely negotiated collective bargaining agreement that allows working hours to be averaged and includes sufficient rest time.


  3. All employees of the company should work overtime voluntarily, and they must fill in the "Overtime Application Form" in advance, after the department chief and manager (personnel chief and above work overtime, the deputy general manager must be reviewed and approved) , Can work overtime; and the overtime hours per week shall not exceed 12 hours, and regular overtime is not allowed;


  4. If the company and the workers' organization representing many employees (according to the above definition) reach a collective negotiation agreement through free negotiation, the company can require workers to work overtime according to the agreement to meet short-term business needs. Any such agreement must meet the requirements of the other working hours guidelines mentioned above.


  5. Supporting documents

"Personnel Management Rules and Regulations" (attendance management)

  4.8 Salary

  1. The company implements the principles of distribution according to work, equal pay for equal work, and rewards and punishments for laziness, and formulates incentive salary policies and systems in accordance with the law to ensure that employees receive reasonable wages and benefits;


  2. The company shall respect the right of employees to receive living wages, and ensure that the wages of a standard work week (excluding overtime) can always meet the requirements of statutory, collective bargaining agreements (if applicable) or industry minimum wage standards, and satisfy employees Basic needs, and provide some discretionary income;


  3. The company shall ensure that wages are not deducted for punitive purposes, unless both of the following conditions are met:

  A) This kind of wage deduction for punishment is permitted by national law;

  B) There is an effective freely negotiated collective bargaining agreement that allows punishment by deduction of wages;


  4. The company shall ensure that the composition of wages and benefits is explained clearly and in detail to employees in each wage payment cycle, and the composition of wages and benefits shall be specified in writing to employees on a regular basis. The company shall pay wages and benefits to all workers in accordance with the law and in a manner that is convenient for the workers, but in any case wages cannot be delayed or paid in certain restricted forms, such as vouchers, coupons or promissory notes;


  5. The company pays for all overtime work in accordance with the law (1.5 times overtime in normal times, 2 times overtime on rest days, and 3 times overtime on holidays);


  6. Organizations should not use purely labor contracts, continuous short-term contracts, and/or false apprenticeship programs, or other programs to evade the organization's obligations to employees as stipulated in labor laws and social security laws.


  7. Supporting documents

  ``Wage Accounting and Payment System of Production Departments''

  "Personnel Management Rules and Regulations"

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